Thursday, September 9, 2010

All grown up....

One year ago, H couldn't walk.
5 months ago H sat in a corner at the Y behind a basketball goal and cried.
1 month ago he cried as I tracked back into work saying "me" because he wanted to go too.
1 week ago he still got upset as I walked out of the nursery to work.

Today he held his teacher's hand and walked into preschool with a big smile and without a sound.

I know that they told me it would happen fast, but really? I mean he's supposed to be my little boy. I know when he'd be crying at the nursery the girls would take him under their wing and to the infant room to sneak him cookies, and I'd always say, "Let him go to the toddler room he has to figure it out." But today I needed him to need me.

It's funny to see him growing so much day by day; literally leaps and bounds. He is getting so much from speech therapy that even other people know what he's saying. Sometimes I miss being his interpreter. Adam keeps saying he's so proud, but today it makes me sad.

Although, it is showing me what a great big brother he is going to be.

1 comment:

  1. He is so stinkin precious and you are SUCH a good mom! Hang in there! Hugs! - Megan
