Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Full Plate? Yes Please!

Anyone who has known me my adult life will agree: I get stressed out.

I know my problem, I do too much. It's partly the ADD and partly the perfectionist in me coming out. Let's take a look at the this October shall we?

1. I am due to have Baby Dos October 29th, giving me approximately 3 1/2 weeks until arrival. In this 4-3 week time period I have a list. I want the nursery done (duh), car seat installed, all batteries loaded, laundry cleaned, bags packed, dinners frozen, bottles, toys, pump, paci's
sterilized, books read, thank you notes sent (which hand delivery was within 24hrs, but I need stamps) and H's schedule outlined. Not to mention wipes open... who wants to struggle with
that? I know little things like that sets me off.

2. I am attempting a church project where H and I bake cookies, brownies, and other goods, to sell for donations which all money goes back to the church. So, Sunday we (I) baked from 1:30-7:30. I wanted it wrapped with a ribbon, a label telling the food item and the Bible verse church has been using. Oh, and I wanted it photographed to show H helped. See below. All baked goods in round 1 needed to go to work with Adam on Monday and me that evening. Round 2 will be available Saturday with yep, a YARD SALE... (thankfully my dear friend wouldn't let me do
round 2).

3. The Yard Sale. While nesting I have found we have too much stuff. We have a small house and I am only getting bigger, along with our family. We are on a budget and the stuff has got to go. So? Yard Sale. Step one was a children's consignment sale I did. Next step, sell all leftovers and
all the other random things we've collected. Now... like I said, I am a perfectionist and I do not like doing things badly. So I've done research. The garage as we speak is in the process of staging. Items priced and divided into "departments."

Ok, so maybe there are only 3 things but that is just this week. Not to mention, wedding showers, birthday dinners, book club at our home, Halloween, H at preschool, random things I
want to attempt. (Hair bows anyone?) All of those just listed? Yeah that's this week too. Well I have only broken down once and that's good for me too.

But the deal is yes I get stressed out. Yes I take on too much. Yes I freak out. But honestly I enjoy the crazy too-much-on-my-plate thing.

1 comment:

  1. Friend, let me help you!!!I am the same way, and you name it and I'm there! You are an amazing mom, teacher, wife, and friend, so stop being stressed :) And take help wherever you can ;) Love you! PS...picture is precious!
