Monday, March 28, 2011

Dying a cubicle.

I have recently started a new job. It was decided as a family that I would need the change in order to survive while Adam is in Law school. The job is very adult, there are no kids there, we have name badges that unlock doors and there is a "New Mother's Room." Which is really an old closet with a mini fridge. NONE THE LESS.

It is quite possibly the death of me. I am a social person. There I said it. This new environment isn't. Adam keeps telling me it will be better once they get to know me. But see the trick is, people have to actually talk to me. Ok, I take that back, they do talk to me, at my 30 minute lunch. Oh and they "im" me when they have a question. Which I mean, really, you are in the cubicle next to me just say it.

Today while I was working on my newest project and trying desperately not to mess up, I heard a familiar sound (other than keyboard tapping) it was laughter, between 2 live people, and it was close. Not to ignore possible interaction I hopped out of my seat and turned, and there it was, conversation. (which I put myself right in) Now I think we looked a bit like meerkats, or even the whack a mole game all standing in our cubes, but it was a conversation. It lasted 30 seconds when one worker sat down and said, "ok," then typing began.

Ok, so that is actually a really sad story. So if you want to email me and give me some laughs you're more than welcome, it will keep me safe from my thoughts. Oh, and don't suggest head phones either. I tried that and found myself wanting to sing along or dance. Which is not very adult at my adult job.

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