Saturday, April 16, 2011

What a week...

This week as been one of a kind. Well, not really. After running in the Flying Pirate Half Marathon, Adam and I came home on Sunday. Note to runners: don't ride in a car after running a race with a random 2 mile mountain. We quickly shifted into prework gear, which I hate coming home from a trip only to go to work the following day. I need a transition day.

As the week began I found myself in a funk, sore, tired, broke, cranky. The whole week was off balance.

This is also the second week of B beginning her real solids, which of course what does every overextended mom do? Duh, she makes her own baby food. Honestly its mostly because the smells, and its actually easy. I also, forced in my workouts, p90x & running. BAD IDEA on the running, I needed a little more rest. And possibly more water that day, oh and I needed lunch. In the middle of this was H's first preschool Easter Party, which I HAD to make snacks! I will be the do it all working mom who thinks she stays home. Have I mentions h's terrible tantrums? All including hitting (um no), kicking his door (double no) and his forced missing Curious George? Then add in the fact that B thinks 4:30 is the perfect wake up time. Which is not, it is also funny because, people ask, "How's nursing? How's her sleep?" well, her sleep was fine, she'd wake up at 4:30 nurse and go back to sleep, as would I, now, this may sound crazy to you but as a "working, nursing, pretend stay at home mom", I think it's great for my supply!

I was pretty defeated as I strolled into work Friday, feeling the weight of my up at 4:30's, milk machine, laundry machine, dinner/lunch machine, (Adam does breakfast, he's awesome)p90x machine (exaggeration)etc, etc. But then in one of my weekly meetings a co-worker asked how I was, I found myself telling her all I am doing at home and then her response, (which I will replay in my mind over and over), "Wow, no wonder your i tried momma, I'm tried looking at you. I thought I had it rough with one. Your awesome."
NOTE: I know most of you other moms do the same thing and I don't downplay it at all but I needed this message.

Why is it if my parents, or Adam say the same thing I shrug it off, but when a random tells me I love it? Tricky...

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