Thursday, June 23, 2011

Viva Las Vegas

Last week I went to Las Vegas for work. (classy huh) It was my first time leaving the kids for that long. Not to mention being in a new time zone. The thing to know from this trip was I survived. I only teared up when Adam dropped me off at the airport.

I feel that I could get used to traveling in the style I did for this trip. As I came down the escalator a man was there holding my name on a sign. Yes like I was a celeb. I had to share my limo with others from my company, (who I didn't know) have I mentioned I get travel anxiety? We arrive a the hotel I begin texting my teammate like crazy for pretty much step by step instructions on what to do. I did pretty good. Until I discovered that the mini bar fridge was not a fridge indeed. Have I mentioned I'm still nursing and am equipped to come home with my goods? Lucky for my fancy travel accommodation they brought me a fridge!

My first time leaving the kids was a success. I finally saw the finished product of my job, bonded, made friends, and got blisters. I learned how to travel with frozen breastmilk, and how a 3 hour time change is great for talking to the kids and being able to miss them minimally. (Oh and I got to eat at a Vegas buffet, with food from every country.)

As far as the home front, Adam did great. He handled the cloth diapers alone, got ready for work, the kids seemed fed, and H is now addicted to the iPad... wait that's not a good thing. (Did I mention when Adam travels he goes to Bamburg SC? Yeah, I win)

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