Monday, January 30, 2012


Making over yourself and your habits is not an easy task. I do not feel as though I am a bad person, a hot mess or anything terrible. I do think there are things that I could tweak. Never to keep a New Year’s resolution, I figured it would be pointless to even make one. And as mentioned before, I love a challenge. I love a full plate. Overflowing plates are good too. I find that it helps my ADD and it helps my stress. Which with 2 little’s and Adam in law school, the stress release is the healthy way. So here is my little list of things I want to do and plan to do.
**Disclaimer: if I do not accomplish these things you cannot hold me accountable

1. Make hair clips. And sell them. Good ones.
2. Learn to sew. Hence clips.
3. Stay on top of sorting kids clothes. (up until Monday H would sometimes be wearing socks for a 12 month old)
4. Set up sewing machine and reclaim my bedroom as a crafty/peaceful place. (Maybe this should go before number 2)
5. Sell, sell, sell. Thoroughly go through the things I want to sell at consignment sales.
6. SAVE, cut back on the spending. I mean Law school is not going to pay for itself.
7. Learn to live with what I have and make it better.
8. Goal weight - only for 1 day. That’s all I ask. BUT, the work to get there is going to hurt.
9. Stop yelling. There. I said it. I yell - I want to stop - I doubt I can stop totally but limits are better.
10. Keep the phone or social media outlets off and away when the babes are around. They deserve all my time when I get the chance.

Those 10 things are a lot. Hopefully with prayer and work they can be accomplished. I feel like I have a good support system, which seems to be getting stronger every day, so I think I’m off to great start!

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